Welcome to North Star Fitness | CrossFit Riverstyx

Join us for our Small Group Training Classes, including both CrossFit and Weightlifting. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or never done a single sit-up, you are in the right space!

Our culture is welcoming and supportive. We support our athletes both inside and outside of the gym. We will cheer for you when you get your first pull-up and when you podium at a competition.

Our Classes


CrossFit is a training program based on the premise of functional fitness and training for everyday life. Through a variety of weightlifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular training and odd object work, CrossFit will prepare members for whatever life throws at you. All CrossFit workouts are scalable to any fitness level.


Our weightlifting classes focus on learning and maintaining proper form in traditional lifts as well as building strength. Through a set curriculum, participants will improve mechanics of lifts as well as perform accessory work that will build strength.


Saturdays are for everyone! Our Weekend WOD classes are typically partner or hero workouts (or a mixture of both!) These classes are fun and will have you smiling and sweating.


Aimed at athletes 50+ years of age, Longevity Fitness incorporates the functionality of CrossFit at a level appropriate for each member. We also spend extra time warming up and cooling down, along with extra focus on balance, grip strength and neurologic conditioning.

Private Coaching


Is there a particular skill or lift you want to work on? Do you want help with getting stronger or faster or just want some dedicated time to work with a coach? Individual coaching can be purchased as a single session or monthly set for those who prefer individualized training.


For those who want to build strength, endurance, improve overall wellness or spend focused time working on personalized goals, small group coaching may be a good fit. Members sign up for these sessions with the others who will be attending.


Get inspired by our athletes and our wellness community! Whether you’re a teenager or past retirement, we have something for you!

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